So far so good this seems like it's going to be a pretty good Monday. I've had my coffee and shower...yes I had the coffee before the shower. You all don't want me to fall and smack my head due to being half asleep in the shower, now would you.....must have priorities. :~)
So now that I have my coffee buzz going and I no longer stink I can update you all on my progress and such.
First off, my CTH socks. Here's what I managed to accomplish last night. The gusset is complete. :~)
When you all seen it last (the 28th if I'm not mistaken) it only had about 4 inches on the cuff. So I've managed to make some pretty good progress on it over the weekend. I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of this coming weekend. I have about 6 inches total left on the sock.... 4 more inches of foot and then about 2 inches for the toe. :~) I'm in the homestretch now.
I think I'll be working on my moms gift this afternoon. Kaity will be at school, Bree will be napping, Shawn will be at work and all will be quiet in my world. I'm also hoping to have this one finished soon. My goal on this one is to have it finished by the end of next week so that gives me 10 good days of knitting on this, barring no unforeseen problems. You know how it goes, something always comes up. :~)
My mini freak out is over. Shawn calmed me down....he always does. I also had some great advise from some good friend....Thanks. :~) So now I'm not freaking out over money and moving and everything else under the sun. I'll be posting as soon as we find out where we are going.
I ordered a few balls of Trekking sock yarn from Astrid's. I've heard so many great things about her store that I figured I'd order some yarn. I did email her earlier this year with some questions and she was so much fun to talk to. I had mentioned that I would be ordering from her after I recovered from my daughters b-day and she sent Kaity an sweet is that. So I have some Trekking coming in....haven't used Trekking yet. :~)
I also won a contest out on Jennie's blog. WooHoo, I won....It's not normal for me to win anything. :~) It was fun. We had to guess what the brand and color of the yarn she was using. I won a ball of the Trekking Ombre 100. I'll post a pic when I get it in.
I think Sheri was also going to try to have the Loopy Sock Club shipment out this week or next.....weeeeee! I sooooo can't wait to see what she has picked out for this installment. **Trish is giggling like a little school girl**
So I have yarn coming in, I'm not freaking out, and I'm managing to get some knitting time in. All is well in my world. :~)
So glad all is well. Yarn coming in always calms me down. Socks look great. Rest, a shower, and knitting work wonders.
Posted by: Susan Johnson | 30 April 2007 at 11:10 AM
Glad you're not as stressed. Can only do so much with what you have.
Posted by: Knittech | 30 April 2007 at 01:27 PM
Life would not be right in Trishland without more packages of yarn! ;) (speaking with envy here)
Posted by: tiennie | 30 April 2007 at 02:16 PM
Astrid is lovely isn't she? I just got 4 balls of Trekking from her on the weekend (3 XXL and one pro natura). Trekking is my favourite 'mass manufactured' yarn - hope you love it too!
Posted by: Kellie | 30 April 2007 at 02:27 PM
What a great day! Shopping and prizes plus! Excellent
Posted by: colleen | 30 April 2007 at 05:03 PM
Glad to hear your world is right-side up again! The sock looks great, and I am envious of your recent shopping! Grrr - want. to. shop. for. yarn. :-)
Posted by: Tammy | 01 May 2007 at 01:16 PM