That phrase "The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions" is starting to become my phrase. I'm still pavin'. It was my intention not to buy any more yarn but Georgia - Yarn Pirate updated her new shop and I couldn't resist snagging a skein of Pretty Pirate. :~) Hey I could have bought more but I was good. One skein, that's all. Course that's what I said when I order my STR.
Anyone else having a heart attack over the gas prices? Shawn put some gas in the car today to hold us over till we head to Boise, where the gas is a tad cheaper....since we have to go that way anyway. I think this will be our last trip to Costco. After this we need to start working on draining our freezer so we don't have a ton of food in there come PCS time. Anyway back to gas prices, it was $3.04 here on base. Shawn put in 5 gallons and it cost us $15.25....oh my heart. Ok maybe it's not my heart but it's definitely anxiety over how high the prices are going to jump with the way they have been going up. I know there are others that are paying more then we are.
I know that gas is around $3.20 - $3.30 in Oregon but that's not a shock because the gas prices seem to always be higher in Oregon. Course they don't have to pump their own gas. :~)
The gas in my town is $3.44,$3.54, and $3.64. I drive to the next town for Costco gas! I've seen $4.07 but I don't know where that is.
Posted by: tiennie | 02 May 2007 at 08:59 PM
Damn, I missed another shop update. And I really intended to be there, too. Glad you got a skein. Sometimes all is takes is just one to keep us going.
Posted by: Susan Johnson | 03 May 2007 at 05:02 AM
:( I made it to the update too late. I knew about it, had all figured out with the whole time right since she's 2 hours behind or is it I'm 2 hours ahead, but dang I must have been doing something mind boggling for me to miss it. grrr. I suppose I'll have to wait to the next time around. :(
Posted by: Jennie | 04 May 2007 at 12:33 AM