Ah, finally some knitting updates. I've been knitting every night since we moved over here to TLF.
First up, the Melon Stripe Blanket:
This ones coming along well. It's my "I don't wanna think, my brain hurts too much" project. I'm going to keep knitting farther then the pattern calls for. I want to make this blanket big enough for the girls to cover up with. I have plenty of yarn for this. I my use the first skein until it's gone and then start decreasing with the second skein.
Next, the Forest Canopy Shawl:
I'm loving this shawl with every pattern repeat. I've completed 11 repeats of the pattern. I'll probably put several more on before I put the edging on. I want this to be kinda on the big side. I have more then enough yarn to keep knitting away. I can't wait to block this one.
Finally, Twisted Flower Socks:
This sock is coming along very nicely. The only thing I've done differently is to make a slip stitch heel instead of the patterned one. I'll probably make this pattern again so the next one will have a patterned heel. I'll need to rework the chart into written instructions. The chart just makes my head hurt because there are five symbols that can stand for two different things depending on if you are working the on the RS or WS.
If I finish the Twisted Flower sock before we get set up at the new place, it will have to sit alone. I didn't get the other hank wound into a ball before we packed everything up....I forgot about it. It looks like I just might get a sock for me out of one ball of yarn. I bought three hanks of the Louet Gems just in case. I wasn't sure if I would need it or not. It looks like I won't but looks can be deceiving Unfortunately my scale is also packed so I can't weight the yarn still in the ball to see what I have.
So now you all know I've been knitting. I need to go feed the kiddos. I'm not sure when I'll update the blog again but I'll be checking my email at least once a day.
So glad all is going well in the TLF. If you are knitting, then things are ok. And the knitting is looking good. Love the shawl. It's a great pattern. One of these days I will start the Monkeys. I haven't gotten much knitting done this weekend with Dave home. You must know how that goes. I'll be thinking of you all.
Posted by: Sue J. | 03 September 2007 at 01:25 PM
ooohhh the shawl is looking good! I can't believe how much knitting you are getting done.
glad the housing is going well
Posted by: colleen | 03 September 2007 at 07:12 PM
The shawl is very nice so far! Hope all is well.
Posted by: tiennie | 04 September 2007 at 10:17 PM