I have an update on my Simple Socks and some goodies I got in the mail yesterday.
First up, the goodies:
I got More Sensational Knitted Socks and Last-Minute Knitted Gifts. More SKS didn't disappoint. I can't believe I waited this long to get the book. I will admit that I bought LMKG for the Chevron Scarf pattern but ended up liking several things.
Next up, Simple Socks:
I'm about halfway done with the gusset. These socks will be my submission to the TLE Q3 Challenge (if I can finish them on time). I had originally started the Twisted Flower Socks for my challenge. This move has kept me pretty busy. Add in that the yarn needed to finish the second sock is packed away in my stash. Also throw in that we've all managed to pick up a head cold and it's really messed up Bree's schedule.
Since everything is hectic I've decided that my challenge is just to finish a pair of socks. :~)
I sure know how you feel. Sorry to hear about the colds. I've done the same thing-revert to basic stockinette socks. I find some sort of peace in just knitting around and around, not having to worry about a complicated pattern. Glad you like your new books. I found that after I made my first Chevron, it was pretty burned out. Next time, thicker yarn and bigger needles. Take care of yourself and everyone else.
Posted by: Sue J. | 20 September 2007 at 03:33 PM
You'll do it - you're the fastest sock knitter around!
Posted by: Tammy | 20 September 2007 at 09:14 PM
Posted by: tiennie | 21 September 2007 at 04:11 PM
Can't wait to see the socks your crank out from MSKS. I've had my copy for awhile now but still have sooo many patters from the first one to try out before I get to this one. :)
Posted by: Jennie | 24 September 2007 at 08:59 AM