Yesterday I finished up the first Playground Mitten but it's not playing nice so the second one has been put into timeout.
When I bound off the 12 stitches on the palm I think it was done to tightly because it's curling. I need to fix that. Plus I think the little flap covering the hole is to short and it doesn't lay flat....need to fix that too. I also need to knit about 2-3 more rounds in the thumb. The thumb actually fits snuggly but I want to leave a tad bit of wiggle room. Other then that the mitten came out great. Opinions on how to fix the palm and flap are always welcome....throw them my way if you want.
So while the mitten was sitting in timeout, I went back to the Baby Kimono.
I finished up the back last night and should be able to cast on the front pieces later this afternoon after I get a few boxes unpacked. The two front pieces are worked together at the same time and I'm going to work the sleeves that way too. For some reason the pattern has the front pieces being worked together but not the sleeves. It's a typical sleeve pattern that gives you the pattern then tells you to make two. Guess that was too much work to throw in those few extra words. So I'm taking the initiative and making them both at the same time. No point in having mismatched sleeves.
I'm still undecided on what sock pattern I'm going to knit next. I'm feeling like cables right now so chances are it will be a cabled sock out of SKS. I'll probably use my DIC smooshy sock that I got from Sheri a few weeks back. The Twisted Flower sock that I started before the move is going to be ripped. I'll reknit it later. It's sat on the needles for two long, plus it was a tad snug. I need to figure out a way around that because it looked like crud when I tried knitting it on the next needle size up. I may have to use a different yarn, something a tad thicker then the Louet Gems and use the Gems for something else.
I also worked on the Cabled baby blanket but I didn't take a pic because there's not that much change from the last pic other then several more rows of pattern. I finally hit the end of the first ball of Cascade 220 superwash. I thought that thing was going to last forever. Out of the first ball of yarn I managed to get the 15 rows of garter stitch border and 11 pattern repeats for a grand total of about 12 inches of baby blanket. The blanket, unblocked is about 25 inches wide. I threw a swatch in with Bree's clothes yesterday when I was doing the laundry and it washed and dried beautifully. I dry all of Bree's stuff on low.
I'm outta here for now. For some reason the kids seem to think they need lunch. There's no school for Kaity for today and tomorrow so she's home too. Guess I'd better go feed them!
You might try the EZ sewn bind-off when you rip back on the mitten. It's very stretchy!
Posted by: Tammy | 18 October 2007 at 10:53 AM
In spite of all the unpacking, you have really been getting the knitting done. I know I have already asked you this, but I have a terminal case of CRS. Where did you find the baby blanket pattern. It's gorgeous. I love the Cascade Superwash. I probably said that already, too.
Posted by: Sue J. | 18 October 2007 at 12:01 PM
I like your mitten!
Posted by: Amanda | 18 October 2007 at 05:24 PM
pshaw! If it's not one thing with the kids, it's another! They actually need to eat? J/K!
Posted by: tiennie | 19 October 2007 at 12:15 AM
Yup....guess you better feed the kiddies and unpack more boxes! LOL You make me tired just reading about all you get done in a day! Oh to be that young again! LOL Take Care
Posted by: Cynthia | 19 October 2007 at 04:12 AM
Hey- the playground mitts are cute... will blocking help with the curl?
I can't bleieve all the knitting you are getting done with the kids and still unpacking! wow! sleep much?
Posted by: colleen | 19 October 2007 at 03:35 PM
ps I just meme'd you!
Posted by: colleen | 19 October 2007 at 04:39 PM