The sun keeps disappearing and we haven't seen it much here lately. I think it ran off to some place else like the Bahama's and I'm still contemplating going out in search of it. It's most likely where my motivation and lost cable needles are. It would be a lovely reunion for all of us. If only the plane tickets weren't so high.
Sadly the knitting I'm working on is secret like type knitting which can make for boring blog posts. Between test knits and the knitting going on for my swap pal there isn't much to report on.
Shall I distract you with a shot of the shawl pin I got for my mom.
I haven't gotten a chance to work on the shawl lately but I couldn't resist picking this pin up when I came across it at The Loopy Ewe. I was buying some things for my swap pals box and need some small things to bump my order up to get free shipping not to mention the fact that I was really close to getting a $25 credit.
Penny is growing in leaps and bounds and Zeus has warmed up to her. He does growl and snap at her when she plays too rough which I expect because Penny is a lot bigger then Zeus now. Her 20 pounds of muscle can stomp poor 8 pound Zeus into the ground. Penny is starting to catch up on chasing after Zeus too. She's shedding that awkward puppy run and honing that quick Springer Spaniel sprint. Zeus still has the edge because he can corner fast and run without problems on the tile floor but if they had to run longer distances Penny would leave his little butt in the dust.
On a the military side we're getting closer and closer to retirement time. Shawn drops his retirement paperwork in Dec of this year and we'll be in the market for a house next spring/summer. I can't even begin to express how happy I am about this. When your active duty military you drop your retirement paperwork (you intention to retire) when you are one year out.
We've got a few job possibilities in Boise so we're looking at homes in the Boise area. We had originally tossed around the thoughts of moving to Coeur d'Alene but after much pondering we opted to go back to the Boise area. The summers are generally hotter in Boise but the winters are much more milder with less cold and subzero temps that cause severe joint pain for me. We've found some great houses in our price range, to bad we couldn't buy now and move. The girls and I will be moving next summer so we can get the girls settled in school. Shawn will follow us a few months later. Damn, I can't believe we're almost done with the military crap! I can't tell you how happy I am that retirement is so close. The only thing that could derail that is a set of orders out of here. Fingers crossed that orders are not on the horizon unless of course they are to Hawaii! I would sooooo not argue with a set of 3 year orders to Hawaii. I'd gladly go and not miss this damn snow and cold at all.
Hopefully the next post will bring more more knitting.
Happy Crafting!
Yay on the retirement! We're looking at another 11ish years still if he can make it that long. Of course at this point it would be silly not to but who knows. Zeus just needs to start using the superior poodle brain to outsmart that puppy!
Posted by: Michelle | 18 January 2011 at 01:50 PM
Good news! I had no idea Shawn was that close. Gee, and you really want to leave Great Falls? snort! Beautiful shawl pin!
Posted by: Sue J. | 18 January 2011 at 02:16 PM
Woot! No more moving around because it's been two years! Can't wait for you to come back.
Posted by: Saren Johnson | 19 January 2011 at 06:24 AM
wow, the light at the end of the tunnel!! yippie for you. Penny's pics on facebook are totally hysterical. I love her "helping". Its a shame they grow so fast.. I love the awkward puppy running
Posted by: colleen | 19 January 2011 at 01:12 PM
Love the shawl pin!
That's exciting about your(I mean your husband's) retirement from the military. Looking forward to buying a house will be fun. Good luck :)
Posted by: hakucho | 19 January 2011 at 03:26 PM
It's dark and gray here, too :-(
The shawl pin is really lovely. And, boy are you lucky to have a cute puppy to entertain you! So happy about your hubby's upcoming military retirement and your house hunting! Hope everything falls into place perfectly for you.
Posted by: Susan | 19 January 2011 at 03:34 PM
Hurray for retirement, I'll have my fingers crossed for ya'll :)
Posted by: Jennie | 21 January 2011 at 09:49 PM